Knight's Canadian Info Collection
Knight's Canadian Info Collection


Canada's Population
Census Years

Canada's National Flag

National censuses were conducted in Canada every ten years beginning in 1851. Since 1956, they have been conducted every five years.
Statistics Canada, the national statistical agency, conducts all national censuses.

Canada Census Year 2022
  Number of persons
Total Canada Population 36,991,981
The Provinces (East to West)
Newfoundland and Labrador 510,550
Prince Edward Island 154,331
Nova Scotia 969,383
New Brunswick 775,610
Quebec 8,501,833
Ontario 14,223,942
Manitoba 1,342,153
Saskatchewan 1,132,505
Alberta 4,262,635
British Columbia 5,000,879
The Territories
Yukon 40,232
Northwest Territories 41,070
Nunavut 36,858
Source: Statistics Canada

Canada Census Year 2016
  Number of persons
Total Canada Population 35,151,728
The Provinces (East to West)
Newfoundland and Labrador 519,716
Prince Edward Island 142,907
Nova Scotia 923,598
New Brunswick 747,101
Quebec 8,164,361
Ontario 13,448,494
Manitoba 1,278,365
Saskatchewan 1,098,352
Alberta 4,067,175
British Columbia 4,648,055
The Territories
Yukon 35,874
Northwest Territories 41,786
Nunavut 35,944
Source: Statistics Canada

Canada's Total Population in previous Census years (in thousands)

1956 16,081 1961 18,238 1966 20,015 1971 21,568 1976 22,993 1981 24,343
1986 25,309 1991 27,297 1996 28,847 2001 30,007 2006 31,613 2011 33,467
2016 35,151

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